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Much has been written about the cognitive function of children with epilepsy but despite there being extensive study of the neuropsychological status of adults with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy, it has been more limited in children. Although cognitive development in children is influenced by similar factors to adults (age at seizure onset, duration of the epilepsy, interictal EEG activity, medications, underlying pathology), the role of early damage, modification of cerebral organization and interruption of the learning process are also likely to be important.

This book, the first of a series edited in collaboration with the journal Epileptic Disorders, is written by experts from all over the world. It extensively reviews available data from both clinical and fundamental research studies.

Devoted to cognitive function and dysfunction in children with temporal lobe epilepsy, it also highlights those domains that demand further research and those for which immediate established techniques for a better global care can be undertaken.


  • Foreword
  • Workshop participants
  • Neuropsychological deficits in children with temporal lobe epilepsy
  • Effects of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy on memory functions
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and attentional problems in children with temporal lobe epilepsy
  • Brain maturation and development of socio-cognitive perception and neural damaging process
  • Autism spectrum disorder in children with temporal lobe epilepsy
  • Temporal lobe and social abilities
  • Input of structural and metabolic MRI techniques in understanding neuronal dysfunction in temporal lobe epilepsy
  • Temporal lobe epilepsy and cognition in children: will fMRI be of some help for a better understanding of the mechanisms involved?
  • Temporal lobe epilepsy and cognitive dysfunction: what do we learn from PET studies in children?
  • What future for neuroimaging techniques in evaluating cognition in children?
  • Age-dependent consequences of seizures and the development of TLE in the rat
  • Maturation of synchronised activities and epileptogenesis: when is as important as if hat!
  • Temporal lobe epileptogenesis and epilepsy in the developing brain: bridging the gap between the laboratory and the clinic
  • Does epileptic activity influence speech organization in temporal lobe epilepsy?
  • Cognitive side-effects of antiepileptic drugs
  • Mood effects of antiepileptic drugs
  • Can we expect a specific correlation between the type of partial epilepsy, etiology and neuropsychological deficits?
  • Restored cognitive functions: what can we expect following resective surgery?
  • Temporal lobe epilepsy in children and cognitive dysfunction: comprehensive methodologies for a comprehensive research and care


Editeur : John Libbey

Auteur(s) : Alexis Arzimanoglou, Albert Aldenkamp, Helen Cross, Maryse Lassonde, Solomon L. Moshé, Bettina Schmitz

Publication : 29 septembre 2005

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : eBook [PDF]

Contenu(s) : PDF

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF)

Taille(s) : 3,21 Mo (PDF)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3165

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782742013463

EAN13 (papier) : 9782742005628

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