Since 1984, the year of the publication of its first edition, the famous “Blue Guide” has been the international reference for paediatricians and neuropaediatricians with regard to epileptic syndromes in infants, children and adolescents.
This 6th edition reviews some of the most noteworthy developments in the field, particularly in epileptic syndromes, but also focuses on the genetic aspects of the syndromes and their development. Progress brought about by advances in neuroimaging is also discussed in addition to specific etiologies such as parasitic diseases and immune and autoimmune diseases.
The different backgrounds of the contributors - coordinators and authors – ensure that the book’s longstanding reputation for objectivity and seriousness, built over almost 35 years, remain well-deserved.
This book written by the current leading specialists is recognized worldwide as the international reference in epilepsy.
Overview :
The syndromic approach of epilepsies : Classifications, epidemiology, prognosis - Genetic bases of epileptic syndromes - Animal models of epileptic syndromes - EEG traits of epileptic syndromes - Neuroimaging and epileptic syndromes - Drug development in epileptic syndromes
Syndromes in infancy and early childhood : Benign neonatal and infantile seizures and epilepsy - Severe neonatal and infantile seizures and epilepsies - Infantile spasms - Febrile seizures, GEFS+ and epilepsies with seizures triggered by fever - Dravet syndrome - Idiopathic myoclonic epilepsies in infancy and early childhood
Syndromes in childhood and adolescence : Lennox-Gastaut syndrome - Idiopathic focal epilepsies in childhood - Encephalopathy with status epilepticus during slow sleep (ESES) including Landau-Kleffner syndrome - Absence epilepsies: CAE, JAE, early absences, myoclonic absences and other syndromes - Isolated focal seizures in adolescence - Juvenile myoclonic epilepsies
Other epileptic syndromes : Rasmussen’s encephalitis - Epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures only - Temporal lobe epilepsy syndromes - Frontal lobe and other extratemporal epilepsies - Photosensitivity and syndromes - Epilepsy syndromes in the elderly
Special etiologies and situations : Epilepsy in inborn errors of metabolism - Genetically determined focal epilepsies - Autoimmune epilepsies and encephalopathies - Brain parasitic infestations - Complex and other reflex epilepsies - Epilepsy and chromosomal disorders and CNV - Progressive myoclonus epilepsies - Epilepsy and cortical malformations
Editeur : John Libbey Eurotext
Edition : 6e édition
Intérieur : Noir & blanc
Support(s) : eBook
Langue(s) : Français
Code(s) CLIL : 3173
EAN13 (papier) : 9782742015726